There are a range of secondary school tennis competition opportunities available to suit the needs of students in your school, from lunchtime intra-school competition to inter-school competition.

Competition Formats

Competition can take many forms from individual to team’s championships. In secondary schools we know that not everyone wants to compete which is why we have constructed some participation based competition formats that are suitable for everyone.

Basic Singles Or Doubles Match
We have some tips on setting up the court and what equipment to use for a successful competition
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Round Robin Format
Download the round robin template for teams
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FAST4 Singles And Doubles Format
FAST4 is the innovative shortened format of tennis that is perfect for schools
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National Pathways

SSA Pizzey Cup
2018-Australian-Open-student-image-2Creating pathways is important in sport and the School Sport Australia (SSA) Pizzey Cup is the pinnacle of representative secondary school tennis competition. Find out more information and when the trails are taking place in your state.
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SSA Contacts
SSA_Logotype_Stacked_RGBFind out how to contact School Sport Australia in your state.
Contacts in Your State
Gallipoli Youth Cup
SportsmanshipThe Gallipoli Youth Cup, formerly know as the Australian Schools Tennis Challenge has been the premier secondary school team tennis event in the country since 1996. This event provides an opportunity for the best secondary school teams to come together to play each other and celebrate their achievements on a national stage.
Find out more