
28 February 2011 | Tennis ACT

In an effort to promote tennis throughout the region, Tennis ACT had a stand at the ActewAGL Canberra Show. Over 1,500 people visited the stand during the weekend, receiving information about tennis clubs, coaches, competitions and MLC Tennis Hot Shots. Two temporary ‘Red Ball’ MLC Tennis Hot Shots courts were set up providing children (and some very game adults) an opportunity to test their tennis skills on court.

A free lucky draw competition was also held in conjunction with the promotion at the show. Congratulations to the following winners:

1st Prize, Head Tennis Starters Pack – Helen Skeat from Ainslie

2nd Prize, Head Junior Tennis Kit – Amanda Triunfo from Dickson

3rd Prize, Head Tennis Balls – Alexander Taylor-Steele from Hackett

Talent ID scholarship – Caleb Baumgartner from Jerrabomberra

Tennis ACT would like to thank all the coaches, officials and staff for their participation. It was a long weekend, but extremely worthwhile for everyone involved.