
22 September 2011 | Tennis ACT

The Active Afterschool Communities (AASC) is a program designed to engage traditionally inactive children and encourage them to participate in sport on a regular basis.

The AASC runs for seven weeks in an hour time slot after school in After-School Cares. In term 3, tennis was delivered at six AASC locations throughout Canberra and in term 4 will be delivered at eleven sites.

Turner After-School Care children attended an excursion to the National Sports Club in Lyneham for their final week of AASC tennis. Tennis ACT coaches attended as well as the AASC regional coordinators to engage the children in an exciting final day of the tennis program with prizes and give-a-ways.

Turner parents were able to collect their children from the centre and many of them enquiring about tennis holiday programs. The event generated great interest in the tennis programs hosted at the National Sports Club. Tennis ACT hopes to see more children transitioning from the AASC program into the tennis community.