
16 October 2011 | Tennis ACT

By: Edwin Smith

Tennis ACT has ventured away from the Canberra area to participate in the Murrumbateman Field Day, which was held on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 of October.

The day was a chance to promote tennis within the Yass and Murrumbateman area, with the hope of attracting new participants into tennis. Tennis ACT worked closely with Tennis NSW to make the day happen.

Anthony Okines, who assisted at the event, said it was a great chance for Tennis ACT to branch out of the Canberra area.

“The day with very successful with lots of enthusiastic young kids and adults participating, it was great to see that we can service the ACT and surrounding areas.”

“It was also very encouraging working together with Tennis NSW,” Okines said.

Other events on the day included chainsaw art, shearing demonstrations, helicopter rides and a local art show.