
18 May 2012 | Tennis ACT

On Sunday 13th May the team Richo’s Runners braved the cold along with 6,000 people who participated in the Mother’s Day Classic at Lake Burley Griffin.

Richo’s Runners had a team of thirty-six people who were all provided with and dressed in Cardio Tennis t-shirts. Cardio Tennis had a stand in the sponsor arena at the event, handing out free trials for Cardio Tennis. Every participant at the event received a Cardio Tennis wristband in their show bag. It was great to see the interest created at the Mother’s Day Classic.

Some of the comments heard from people approaching the Cardio Tennis stand,

‘I saw Cardio Tennis at the Australian Open and thought I could do that’  

‘My friend does Cardio Tennis and loves it’        

‘I came across an advert for Cardio Tennis the other day and it looked like fun’

‘I am fit, but have not played tennis, I would love to give it a go’

The team were grateful to have Cardio Tennis sponsoring them, making this the largest team for ‘Richo’s Runners’, who have been participating in the event since 2007. The team were awarded ‘Largest family and friend’s team’.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Mother’s Day Classic raising money for breast cancer research. Thank you to Cardio Tennis for sponsoring the team and making the day possible.

For more information about Cardio Tennis