
29 June 2012 | Tennis ACT

Tennis Seniors ACT is the body that represents senior tennis players in the ACT. It is dedicated to encouraging and facilitating the opportunity for men and women 35 and over to play meet and play tennis with other seniors and enjoy the social contact that tennis always brings.

Tennis seniors members and their friends are warmly invited to play in our next tournament scheduled for 9.15am for 9.30am start on 15 July 2012 at the National Sports Club, Lyneham. There will be the usual prizes for the winners and runners-up.  The cost will be $10.00 under the new user pays policy of the pilot study.  


Please contact Colin Lyons by
Email –  [email protected]
Phone – (w) 6274 6466 before 5pm on Friday or (h) 6254 4853

OR  ring Mary Gormly on 6281 3278. 

If you put your name down and find you cannot play on the day, please notify one of the organisers so that the others players are not inconvenienced.

For more information about Tennis Seniors please click here