
25 July 2012 | Tennis ACT

2012 marks the 12th year of the ‘Thanks’ awards recognising the contribution volunteers have on our sporting life. Tennis ACT would like to offer you the chance to nominate a member of you club who goes above and beyond the work of a volunteer, and nominate them for the ‘Thanks’ award.

The award recognises the contribution of volunteers to sporting communities in Canberra, and currently more than 250 volunteers have been acknowledged for their work. In 2011 David Gray a volunteer at Forrest Tennis Club was a deserving recipient.

Without volunteers, the tennis community would crumble, so it is vitally important to recognise the hard work they do without pay week in week out.

To nominate a candidate you think is deserving of the award; contact Kelly Smith at Tennis ACT on [email protected] by Friday 21 September  2012

The following criteria will be taken into consideration,

Length of Service ( How long have they volunteered for ? 5 years , 20 + years etc)
Position held (What type of volunteer position have they held? Club president, treasurer, secretary ,coach etc )
Demonstration of regular commitment (How often are they seen volunteering within the organisation? Every Saturday at games, Training nights on Tuesday and Thursday etc)
Achievement/ Highlights (What have they achieved through volunteering? Coached team to 2010 premiership, Organised a successful tournament etc
Impact on the organisation (What significance have they made towards the organisation? Makes club operation run smoothly, Take pressure of others etc)
Individual initiative and team work ( They go ahead and do things without being asked , willing to help others out etc)
Previous volunteer history (if any) (Have/ do they volunteer anywhere else? School sports carnivals ,volunteer at their other child’s sports organisation etc )