
25 September 2012 | Tennis ACT

ACT Junior Residents Championships

DATES:       Singles – Saturday 17th November (8am – 1:30pm)
                   Doubles – Sunday 18th November (8am – 1:30pm)

VENUE:       National Sports Club, Lyneham
ENTRY CLOSING DATE:   5:00pm Monday November 5th 2012

Click here to enter online or download entry form

You are invited to be part of the action!

Asia-Pacific Tennis League (ATL) to be held each day during the 2012 Capital Trophies & Sportswear ACT Junior Resident Championships.

Daily Schedule

8am -1:30pm  Matches of 2012 Capital Trophies & Sportswear ACT Junior Resident Championships

8am – 4pm  BBQ hosted by the Jerrabomberra Tennis Club

11am -12pm  ACT ATL Team Practice

11:30 am – 1:30pm  Australian Open Tophy Tour (Saturday Only)

12pm – 1pm Cardio Tennis & MLC Tennis Hot Shots

1pm – 1:40pm  Exhibition Matches featuring ACT Brumbies Players

2pm – 5pm Saturday-Asia-Pacific Tennis League Round 3–ACT V TBA
                 Saturday-Asia-Pacific Tennis League Round 4–ACT V TBA

Tennis ACT has submitted two teams in the NSW conference of the Asia-Pacific Tennis League (ATL).

The five Australian conferences will be played in November with five conference rounds and a conference final.  Each conference will provide an opportunity for six male and female teams to compete in a new and innovative tennis format that will see matches completed in approximately three hours.

The five Australian conference winners, plus a team from the Pacific Islands, New Zealand and Asia will compete in the national final at Melbourne Park during the Australian Open in January.

Please see below for related articles
ACT to compete in NSW Conference of new Asia-Pacific League
ACT announces its inaugural ATL men’s team
ACT announces its inaugural ATL women’s team