
22 November 2012 | Tennis ACT

On 7 November 2012 Tennis ACT held its Annual General Meeting, the meeting was well attended. The Tennis ACT Annual Report and financial statements were adopted and the company showed a profit of just over $60,000 for the last financial year.

Sadly, David Coutts stepped down from the Board under clause 24.8 (b) of the Tennis ACT constitution, after serving three consecutive terms. The Tennis ACT Board and members paid tribute to the contribution David Coutts has made as Chairman of the Development Committee and a long standing member of the Tennis ACT Board. John Cattle was re-elected President, John Heinemann was re-elected as a General Director and Ben Fuller was elected as a General Director.

The proposed affiliation reform was discussed and was met positively by the majority of the members; the board will meet to make a decision next week.

Ross Triffitt, CEO provided an update on the ACT government review of community tennis club leases and government charges. Tennis ACT is currently working with clubs to prepare Asset Management plans as this will provide a foundation to continue discussions with government.

At the conclusion of the meeting a special presentation was made by former Tennis ACT President, Roy Smalley OAM. Roy presented Tennis ACT President, John Cattle with a copy of the history of Tennis ACT from 1890-1993, as written and compiled by Roy.

John Cattle thanked Roy for all his hard work in compiling the history of the sport and acknowledged Roy’s contribution to the history of tennis in the Territory.