
24 May 2013 | Tennis ACT

Tennis Australia has  recently updated its Code of Behaviour . This document provides the framework for dealing with breaches of discipline by players, coaches, parents/guardians and spectators who attend sanctioned tournaments and team events in Australia as well as weekly competitions.

Tennis Australia is committed  to preserving the image of the sport and ensuring its  integrity is maintained. The national governing body is working closely with its member associations who in turn consult with its affiliates to ensure that Code of Behaviour is utilised and effective .

An alteration in this edition of the Code is the Spectator Interference clause. This clause stipulates that a player may be subject to disciplinary action if a spectator who is part of their entourage acts in a way that disrupts or interferes with play during matches or on-site. A spectator for the purposes of this area may be a parent, family member, coach, trainer or friend.

It is important that spectators understand that they may hinder their player’s future by disrupting play. Disciplinary action could include (but is not limited to)  disciplinary points, defaulted from the tournament or having entries refused for a period of  time . For serious incidents the case may be referred straight to a Tennis NSW Tribunal hearing.

You can download the Code of Behaviour here.

For more information please contact Tennis Australia’s Officiating Development Coordinator (NSW) Shane Merry [email protected]or (02) 9024 7631.