
17 September 2013 | Tennis ACT

The 2013 Tennis ACT Awards was held on 13 September at the Dickson Tradies Club. The awards night is held annually, bringing together the ACT Tennis community to recognise and thank the outstanding coaches, players, clubs, officials and volunteers, who have continuously contributed to a successful year of tennis in the ACT. Ross Triffitt, Tennis ACT CEO, was the MC, while John Cattle, Tennis ACT President, presented successful nominees with their awards.
The following were awarded for their exceptional contributions and achievements:

High Performance Coach of the Year – Alun Jones
MLC Tennis Hot Shots Coach of the Year – Nathan Price
Club Coach of the Year – Brett Lennard
Cardio Tennis Coach of the Year – Kristine Price
Junior Club Player of the Year – Dominic Ferraris
Junior High Performance Player of the Year – Annerly Poulos
Adult Club Player of the Year – May Howard
35+ Senior Player of the Year – Graham Smith
Tennis Club of the Year – Melba Tennis Club
Official of the Year – Myles Emery
Volunteer of the Year – Sue Cowie
Volunteer Recognition award – Stephanie Bartlett and Thelma McClymont
Well done to the 2013 prize winners and thanks to all who attended to support Tennis ACT. Special thanks must go to Dickson Tradies and their staff for their support. Thanks must also be extended to music duo David and Sammy Briggs for providing smooth tunes, which entertained us all. The event was a great night of celebration of the achievements over the past 12 months and we look forward to another spectacular year in 2014.
For photos from this event click here.