
1 October 2013 | Tennis ACT

On Thursday 26 September, Tennis ACT hosted Tennis Come and Try day for indigenous boys and girls aged 5-15 at the National Sports Club in Lyneham. Come and Try day is part of the Learn Earn Legend! Initiative which aims to encourage and support young Indigenous Australians to ‘stay at school, get that job and be a legend for themselves, their family and their community.’ Throughout the day, the kids partook in MLC Tennis Hot Shots and game play and fun tennis activities with the guidance of National Indigenous Coach Ian Goolagong and other Indigenous and Tennis Australia coaches. Promising tennis participants  also had the opportunity for coaching, leading to tennis scholarships.
“It’s such a great initiative and opportunity for the indigenous children in the ACT to do something that they may not have had the opportunity to do. We are happy to be able to be a part of the day; it was great to see so many participants.” Said Coach Ian Goolagong. Tennis ACT would also like to thank the coaches Robbie Manzano and Jake Okines who came and helped out during the day.
By Denika Seeto