
23 March 2016 | Tennis ACT

The ACT participated in the 12/U NSW State Teams Championships held in Cessnock from the 19-20th of March.  The boys team were playing for the Tony Roche Cup, while the girls team were playing for the Jan O’Neill Cup.

Tennis Australia Talent Development Manager ACT Alun Jones said, “The feedback from the managers was that it was a great weekend of tennis for players from the ACT.  The players had the opportunity to play a lot of matches, against quality opponents from across NSW.  The event also has the added bonus of being part of a team, and having a manager on court with the players, which really helps them with their tactical development.”

The teams consisted of the following players

Boys Girls
Charlie Snow Chloe Koundouris
Dominic Ferraris Taegan White
Charlie Camus Saskia Kozlow
Daniel McDonald Demi Koundouris
Manager – Brett Lennard Manager – Adrian Zarebski

The teams were placed in pools of 6, playing against 5 other teams throughout the weekend, followed by a playoff match.  The boys team finished in 8th position overall, while the girls finished in 12th spot.  Congratulations to all participating players, and a big thank you to the team managers.