
6 April 2016 | Tennis ACT

Interested in Becoming a Tennis Official?  Below we answer some of the most common questions received from people interested in becoming an official.

Who can be an official?

The easiest way to answer this is anyone! We have officials who are of all ages, people who have played professional tennis to people who have never played tennis, people working full time to students and people who are retired.

What are the requirements to be an official?

To become an official we expect people to complete an introductory course (that is free) and an initial assessment. Once this is complete you are invited to sign up as a member of the Tennis Australia Officiating Team. This requires an up to date eye test, an ACT Government endorsed Working with Vulnerable People Check (free for volunteers) and a membership payment of $80 for two years.

What do I get as a Tennis Australia Officials Member?

As a Tennis Australia Officials Member you will receive a uniform (shirt, jacket, hat, cap and water bottle) and access to tournament applications in the ACT and broader region of NSW, access to training and development courses and payment for your time worked.

Do I have to volunteer my time?

Tennis Officials, once members, are paid for their time worked at tournaments.

How much time do I need to commit?

Tennis Officiating is very flexible – how much time you have, whether it’s only a few hours every now or again or more, we will match your availability to tournament needs.

What support is there?

All new officials are mentored with experienced officials to ensure they have support as they start out on their officiating journey. Officials have ongoing support through training and development and feedback to ensure any questions you have is answered.

What if I don’t want to be on court?

Tennis officials include on court roles – lines and chair umpires, but we also provide a number of off court roles at local and national tournaments. These roles include being a court supervisor and/or referee –where you are off court, looking after a number of courts, and provide an education and support role that is essential to tournaments. These roles are perfectly suited for people with great communication skills and are interested in supporting players at a local level. We encourage new officials to try both roles and see what suits them the best.

What are the Opportunities in Officiating?

As international tennis returns to Canberra with the recent redevelopment of the Canberra Tennis Centre, there are many opportunities for officials to be involved on court (line and chair umpire) and off court (court supervisor and referees). Your officiating journey is up to you and is tailored to your needs and wants.

Why would I want to be an Official?

Current ACT tennis officials have reported that what they love about being an official is the fact they get to be involved in a sport they love, can be part of local and professional tennis at home, can have opportunities to work at the Australian Open – one of the four grand slams, be on court with players they would only see on tv, can receive some money for this and enjoy the social aspect of being part of a supportive and engaged tennis officiating community.

So if you would like to be part of the action with world class tennis now finding a home in Canberra – come and be a part of the officiating team!

To find out how to become a Line Umpire, you are invited to attend our free Line Umpires course on Wednesday 13 April from 6-830pm at the Canberra Tennis Centre, Riggall St LynehamThis will be followed up by an on court session on Sunday 24 April 9.30am-12pm at the ACT Junior Challenger, Canberra Tennis Centre, Riggall St Lyneham.

To register your interest and for more information visit: or contact Emma on 0412 391 590 or email: [email protected]