
1 November 2017 | Tennis ACT

Current world No. 18 and proud Canberran, Nick Kyrgios alongside Apis Canberra International player and world No. 323 Bradley Mousley (AUS) surprised Curtin Primary School, hand delivering 80 new ANZ Tennis Hot Shots racquets to kindergarten students during day five of Apis Canberra International 2017.

The players assisted ANZ Canberra representatives Gill Maiden and Chirong Zhong in handing out the racquets, after participating in a Q&A session.

Longtime friends, the pair talked with the children about their passions, what sports they like, their toughest moments in tennis, their favorite foods and where they would like to be in their tennis career in five years’ time.

“I’m trying to push up the rankings a lot higher, and within the next five years, I’d like to be inside the top 100 players in the world, said Mousley.

“I’d like to say I’d be in the top five in the world, said Kyrgios. “There’s a lot of work to do and I need to keep working hard, taking it day by day, but hopefully top five in the world and pushing for that number one spot”.

Curtin Primary School P.E teacher and coordinator, Amanda Beresford said the students were so happy to see and hear from the young athletes.

“It was so great to have professional tennis players attend the school, she said. “The kids were definitely star struck at seeing Nick Kyrgios, the year six kids in particular couldn’t believe that they saw him, it was jaw dropping”.

Mousley has come into the Apis Canberra International having won back to back doubles events, winning titles in Traralgon and Toowoomba.  Earlier this year, he won doubles titles in Istanbul, Canberra, and Launceston while also reaching the finals at Alice Springs and Lisbon.

At Australian Open 2017, Mosely reached the quarterfinals partnering Australian player, Alex Bolt.

When asked about their favourite moment in tennis, Mousley confirmed this time as his favourite.

“That would probably have to be the Australian Open this year when I was playing doubles with another player playing here in the Apis Canberra International, Alex Bolt” Mosley continued.

Kyrgios stated representing Australia during the Davis Cup tie in Brisbane versus the United States would definitely be the highlight of his career to date.

“The best moment would probably be this year at the Davis Cup, said Kyrgios. “If I won the match we would make it through to the semifinals, which was massive for us, as we [Australia] hadn’t made the semifinals for a long time. I played Sam Querry (USA) and got the win. Everyone was so happy, Lleyton [Hewitt] was on the sidelines, and just to do it with a good group of guys from Australia and to get us over the line was a pretty good experience.”

Curtin Primary School Principal Merryn O’Dea spoke very highly of the pair.

“The chance to see high profile players who are promoting a healthy lifestyle and talking to them at their own level really is inspirational to their [the students] own participation and confidence,” she said.