Committee Elections and Evolving
- Constitution dictates how committee should function, refer back to yours if there is any confusion
- Usually elected at the annual general meeting (AGM)
- Nominations communicated to whole of club (WOC) well in advance of meeting
- Committee should analyse the current committee and review areas that they could fill (gaps) eg Age, gender and ethnic and cultural background.
- Plan ahead when elections will take place to reduce losing large numbers on a committee at once
- Some clubs operate on a rolling club structure for smooth transition
- Clearly outline handover/induction process
- To reduce disruption to the club due to change in committee members previous members should pass on as much knowledge as possible to their replacement
- Clearly outlined handover/induction process
- Clear position descriptions
- Use a committee member induction pack for all information.
If you have any questions about your club please contact us at 1800 PLAY TENNIS or email.