Human Resource Management

Human resource planning analyses current needs and projects future needs for volunteers in relation to existing and planned programs, services and events.

As a starting point, the person responsible for HRM develops and maintains an inventory that details the qualifications, education and experience of individual volunteers and the positions that they hold.

The Volunteer Coordinator or someone with basic database management skills could set up an index card or simple computer based system to store and update the inventory. This enables an organisations to identify where it has an actual or projected shortage or surplus of volunteers.

Where a need for a new volunteer is identified, a job analysis is used to construct a job description. Through consultation and observation a description of the job requirements is prepared by the person responsible for HRM. Refer to Club structure documents for support with this.

  1. Human resource planning
  2. Recruitment
  3. Selection and screening
  4. Orientation
  5. Training and development
  6. Performance appraisal
  7. Rewards and recognition
  8. Retention or replacement


If you have any questions about your club please contact us at 1800 PLAY TENNIS or email.