Policy Development

Reasons for Policy Development

  • Ensure continuity
  • Fairness and equity
  • Clarify values and beliefs
  • Communicate expectations
  • Specify standards
  • State rules
  • Improve risk management
  • Reduce Liability
  • Good personnel management

Responsibility for Policy Development

  • Management committee usually hold responsibility however we recommend stakeholder involvement for policy success.
  • Different stake holders may have different knowledge and perspective important to the policy and its outcomes.
  • Responsibility vary between the management committee and paid staff for some policies.

Also note – limited and specific types of policies (eg whether subcommittee members receive free tea and coffee at meetings) may not necessarily require management committee attention and can appropriately be developed by personnel further down the line.

Policy Development Process

  1. Mission and goals (policy frame work)
  2. Consultation
  3. Formulate policy
  4. Policy Implementation
  5. Policy evaluation and review
  6. Recognise problem or issue


If you have any questions about your club please contact us at 1800 PLAY TENNIS or email.