Transform your Club Membership program
The modern tennis club competes with many other activities and sports to capture and retain members. Ensure your club’s sustainability by structuring your membership offerings to fit with busy lifestyles and by providing flexibility and choice.
Online Registration and Payments
The majority of tennis players expect to be able to register and pay for their club membership online these days.
By offering online registrations and payments you can:
- Provide a quick way for players to join or renew their membership
- Free up volunteer time by reducing manual data entry and banking tasks
- Collect accurate and up-to-date member information
- Record member emails instantly
- Ensure your compliance with Australian privacy laws with direct consent from members
- Make it easier to convert your casual court users to members
Listen to what other clubs are saying about online registrations and payments in the video below
You can use this customisable flyer to help promote your clubs online registrations.
Modern membership packages
When transforming your club’s membership consider the following:
- Flexible payment options (such as month-by-month direct debit)
- Peak and off- peak pricing structures
- Pricing related to frequency of play
- Reciprocal rights
> Read more about membership options
Membership options that reflect your club
The launch or uptake of a particular membership category or initiative will only be successful if you ensure that your club’s culture aligns with and supports the change.
For example, if focusing on attracting more mothers to your club during off peak times (midday/midweek) think about:
- Do you have change room facilities?
- Are your women’s toilets clean?
- Is there a safe and secure area for young children to play while mothers play?
Maintain your player database
A well maintained player database is vital to the success of your club. Tasks such as communication and membership renewal are much more efficient when you have an accurate and up-to-date player database.
For more information on how to register players and maintain your player database Click here.
Your club can use ClubSpark to offer online membership and registration into programs. To find out more about ClubSpark, please don’t hesitate to contact your Club Development Officer or the Customer Support team on 1800 PLAY TENNIS (1800 752 983) or email