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International Development

Australian Open Pacific Pathway

AOPP is a primary school tennis development program sponsored by the Australian Open through Tennis Australia’s membership of the Oceania Tennis Federation.

The AOPP is in its 10th year. The 2024/25 contribution will see the total funding since inception reach over $450,000.

Working together within the region, Tennis Australia and the ITF, along with the Pacific Nations, have had an enormous impact on the number of children enjoying tennis in Pacific Nations.


Pacific Women and Girls in Tennis

Tennis Australia with the support of the PacificAus Sports, the Australian Government’s elite sports pathways program, has embarked on a four-year journey to deliver Pacific Women and Girls in Tennis – Emerging onto the world scene.

The Pacific Women’s sport administration program’s objective is to strengthen governance and administration of Pacific women’s sports organisations, increase the number of women in decision-making and leadership roles in Pacific sports organisations, and improve access to safe and inclusive sporting competitions to encourage increased participation of women and girls.

Building on the programs offered by Tennis Australia as part of its Women and Girls Strategy, the program aims to increase women’s leadership in the Pacific through three key initiatives:

  • Building the in-country capacity of women coaches both at grassroots levels and also to graduate to international standards, advancing their careers in coaching
  • Providing the talent pathways for girls and women to stay and excel in tennis
  • Leveraging and adapting Tennis Australia’s ‘Women Leaders in Tennis’ program to increase the pipeline of female administrators in the sport.

> Learn more about the PacificAus Sports program

In June 2024, the Pacific Women and Girls program returned to the Gold Coast for another coach mentoring program and a talent camp for the girls teams from the Pacific participating at the Australian Junior Team Championships.

AO24 welcomed a group of players and coaches who were part of Tennis Australia’s Pacific Women Leaders in Tennis program, aimed at supporting and empowering Pacific women and girls to take up leadership positions both on and off the court.

Colita Hakena represented Papua New Guinea at the AO Asia-Pacific Elite 14/u Trophy, which was held at Melbourne Park during Australian Open 2024. She benefitted from the Pacific Women and Girls program during this experience through the presence of her coach Abigail Tere-Apisah.

Nine girl players and three coaches from Pacific Oceania took part in a special camp and coach mentoring prior to competing at the Australian Junior Team Championships on the Gold Coast in June 2023.

A group of women from the Pacific region, as part of the Community Leadership stream of the program, attended Australian Open 2023 to share their stories and learn from female leaders in the sport on how to improve tennis management and encourage more women to take leadership roles in their countries.