Join up to play a challenging yet healthy sport.
Membership or Coaching enquiries Contact the Centre on 5540 3036
Join or Renew your Membership on-line
or Download an Application Form 2018 membership – Copy
2018 Adult Membership $50 (then pro-rata per quarter)
2018 Junior Membership $20 (then pro-rata per quarter)
2018 Student/Pensioner/Senior Membership $40 (then pro-rata per quarter)
Existing member forgotten password, place a request with the Secretary for your password to be resent. An email will be sent to the address on record.
(By registering on-line, registrants acknowledge the Privacy Policy of the Jimboomba Tennis Club, available on this website or by contacting the Club Secretary. If you require anonymity for any members registered by the online process, please forward an email to the secretary with detailed instructions).
Follow the link above to MyTennis (Tennis Queensland) to Register or Renew your membership. Then just forward membership fees and receipt provided to the Jimboomba Tennis Club for confirmation. If you are not contacted by the Jimboomba Tennis Club in due course, please contact the club 55403036.
At present only cash or cheque options are available. Payment to be forwarded to the tennis club after on-line registration.