Current vacancies for new players are:
Monday Nights (Invitation Only) – Singles and doubles – good standard. Teams are selected and rearranged at the beginning of each competition. Generally 2 or 3 player teams providing each player with 1 set of singles and 2 sets of doubles each night. Vacancies available
Tuesday Nights (Adults – mixed) – Doubles – Novice to average standard. Suitable for those players that may not be able to commit on a weekly basis. Sets of doubles are arranged on the night.
Wednesday Nights (Adults – mixed) – fair to good standard. Teams are selected and rearranged at the beginning of each competition. Generally 4 or 5 player teams providing each player with 3 sets of doubles per night.
Thursday Nights (Adults – mixed) – Novice to fair standard Teams are selected and rearranged at the beginning of each competition. Generally 4 or 5 player teams providing each player with 3 sets of doubles per night.
Juniors Saturday and Sunday Mornings – (mixed) – contact Brad (see the “Contact Us” page)
Note that all tennis at Kincumber Tennis Club is ability based and not gender based.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Click here to Contact Us or click Competitions to contact any of the competition co-ordinators.
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