

Officiating Membership Policies

Terms & Conditions

View the Officiating Membership terms and conditions.

Member Protection Policy

At Tennis Australia (TA) we take seriously our duty of care to children and young people, as well as their families and community. With this in mind, Tennis Australia recently commenced a national review which aimed to strengthen TAs approach to safeguarding children and young people who participate in tennis.

The national review was assisted by the Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) and was based on nationally recognised standards for their Safeguarding Children Program.

As a result of this review, Tennis Australia has made significant changes to the Tennis Australia Member Protection Policy. These changes are aimed at implementing best practice and standards to protect children and young people in their care.

The policy has been developed as part of Tennis Australia’s ongoing commitment to the health, safety and well-being of its members and participants. Member Protection is all about practices and procedures, which protect a sports organisation’s members including athletes, administrators, coaches and officials.

View Tennis Australia’s Member Protection Policy

All members must complete the Member Protection Declaration form when registering for membership.

Working with Children Checks

All States/Territories in Australia have mandatory legislation requiring tennis officials to undergo a screening process in order to work with children (under 18 years of age). Tennis Australia is committed to helping officials to adhere to the requirements.

A current Working With Children Check (WWCC) is an essential prerequisite for active membership with TA. You must also ensure your WWCC is registered with TA.

There is no national screening system or national standards regarding WWCC and related clearances. Each State/Territory Government has its own legislation. Volunteer checks are accepted unless you’re an official in a year round adviser role or with an ITF Bronze Badge & above certification. For officials aged 15+ who live in SA or NT you will be required to get a WWCC. Officials aged 16+ who live in ACT and TAS will be required to get a WWCC. For all other states the required age is 18+. It is necessary to fulfill the requirements in each State/Territory in which you are working. Please refer below for specific local requirements (subject to change and it is the responsibility of each tennis official to ensure that he/she complies with current State/Territory legislation).

Also note the following if you are moving between States/Territories and intend to engage in child-related work:

  • If your working with children activity is likely to take place over ten or more consecutive days, a WWCC for your destination State/Territory should be strongly considered (though the requirements vary depending on the destination and it is the responsibility of each tennis official to ensure that he/she complies with current State/Territory legislation); and
  • If the move is permanent, a WWC clearance for the destination State/Territory should certainly be obtained.
Check Required Working with Vulnerable People Working with Children Check Ochre Card Blue Card Working with Children Check Working with Children Check Working with Children Check Working with Children Check
Age Required 16+ 18+ 15+ 18+ 15+ 16+ 18+ 18+
Processing Time 2 weeks 1-4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 3 weeks 1-4 weeks 3 weeks 3-12 weeks

Your screening documentation can be updated at any time by emailing officiating@tennis.com.au

Officials who fail to provide up-to-date screening may have their membership suspended or cancelled.

National Police Checks

In addition to the Working with Children Check, a National Police Check is an essential prerequisite for active membership with TA.

To apply for a National Police check, please visit www.nationalcrimecheck.com.au

Only National Police checks with a full disclosure will be accepted. Volunteer checks are accepted unless you’re an official in a year round adviser role or with an ITF Bronze Badge & above certification.  National Police checks are valid for three years from the date of issue. If you’re under the age of 16 years, you will not be required to complete a National Police check. You will however be expected to have your parent/guardian complete the Member Protection Declaration form.

Your screening documentation can be updated at any time by emailing officiating@tennis.com.au

Eye Test

All TA officiating members are required to complete and submit an eye test every two years.
ITF Certified Officials are not required to submit an eye test to Tennis Australia, provided their records are up to date with the ITF.

Download the Officials Eye Test

Uniform Policy

View the Tennis Australia Officiating Uniform Policy

Code of Conduct

Officials are bound by both the Tennis Australia Code for Officials and the ITF/WTA/ATP Code of Conduct for Officials

Professional Conduct Matters and Disputes

TA expects the highest standards in regard to the professional conduct of its officials members.

TA also encourages healthy working relationships between officiating members and the tennis community.

However, it is recognised that occasionally issues may arise. If an issue arises in relation to a person who is bound by a Tennis Australia policy and their conduct is not in line with Tennis Australia’s national policies, then the matter should be reported to Integrity@tennis.com.au.

Tennis Australia National Policies

To view our Tennis Australia National Policies which apply to all members click here.