
Maintenance and Repairs

The clubhouse and its immediate environs is without argument the most used facility within any tennis club. It is the visible face of the tennis club and creates a lasting first impression. It is one of the major selling points in attracting and keeping members.

There are many things to consider when building or extending your clubhouse facility. There are external regulatory requirements and your internal issues of finance and needs. The latter is probably your most important consideration; ensure that you conduct a thorough investigation of your member’s needs and make due allowance for those needs.

Before getting into specifics, you need to be aware of some overriding issues to consider, they are:

  • The clubhouse is a focal point.
  • A clubhouse project requires a lot of thought and planning.
  • Consider future expansion options.

The facility issues you need to consider in relation to a clubhouse project can be categorised as follows:

  • Additional Facilities
  • Construction
  • Environs
  • Internal Facilities
  • People with a Physical Disability
  • Safety
  • Social Usage

As with all tennis facilities, there is always some degree of maintenance and repair, with associated costs that need to be provided for.

To find out more, download the Tennis Infrastructure Planning Guide or contact your respective Member Association Facilities representative.