With three rounds now completed for both the Saturday and Thursday competitions most of the tables are still fairly tight. In the Thursday ladies P.Capotosto is 5pts ahead of D.Cheetham in 2nd place while B.Windon rounds out the top three in 3rd by 4pts.
In the Saturday division2 ladies Ooms is sharing equal 1st with Spalding while Terry is a close 2nd by 2pts with Westbury hot on her heels in 3rd by 1pt. The division 1 ladies has a little more space between the teams with Presland leading the charge by being 7pts clear of Bower in 2nd place with Farley in 3rd 3pts off the pace. In the divsion2 men’s table City1 has a handy 6pt lead over City4 whose nose is just in front of City2 who are in 3rd by 1pt. The top two teams of the division 1 men’s are only separated by 1pt with TeamF just holding onto to 1st place over TeamB, TeamE is 3rd on ladder 3pts behind.
Division2 Men:
City4 – 4.31 D City3 – 3.26, City2 – 5.39 D City5 – 2.15, City1 – 7.42 D MTC – 0.10
Point Scores:
Men Division1:
F. Sciffer/McDonald/Gronow-48.0, B. Rye/Dunlop/Hodgson-47.0, E. Whiting/Anderson/McGregor-44.0, G. Bullent/ Rye/Percival-43.5, A. Peters/Hughes/Farley -43.5, C. Quinn/Eaton/Hancock-38.0, D. Hayes/Johnston/Whiting-32.0
Men Division2:
City 1-Sciffer/Oysten/M.Crebert-25.0, City 4-Mali/McArthur/Palmer-19.0, City 2-Lyall/Burrows/McKeough-18.0, City 3-G &D Crebert/Twentyman-13.0, City 5-J & M Adams/Hale-4.0, MTC-Dundas/Digal/Currell/Marsh-2.0
Women Division1:
5. Presland-65.0, 2. Bower-58.0, 3. Farley-55.0, 6. Roughan-52.0, 4. Merriman-45.0, 1. Anderson-30.0
Women Division2:
9. Ooms-60.0, 10.Spalding-60.0, 11. Terry-58.0, 12. Westbury-57.0, 7. Demarchi-48.0, 8. Lilley-37.0
Thursday Ladies:
P.Capotosto-66.0, D. Cheetham-61.0, B. Windon-57.0, H. Roberts-56.0, J. Edstein-50.0, V. Daniels-48.0, S. Buchman-45.0, D. Ernst-34.0, J. Whittle-34.0, S. Gallagher-29.0
At the time of printing the Tuesday night ladies competition will have… » Read more