With another round done and dusted all competitions were able to get play in with the exception of the Saturday division2 ladies who were unable to get enough players, as a result their table static.
In the Tuesday ladies George’s received a forfeit to propel them into top spot on the table this week pushing Clift’s into 2nd place who have a 4pt lead over 3rd placed Bowling. In the Wednesday ladies D.Presland is still leading the table with and increased lead of 16pts over H.Ooms who leap frogged M.Terry to be in 2nd place by 10pts. The Thursday ladies table still remains tight but only two players are sharing equal 1st S.Buckman and V.Daniels, D.Cheetham is right on their heels in 2nd place by 2pts while S.Gallagher moved up several spots to be in3rd by 12pts.
In the Saturday divsion1 men TeamC had a win to move from equal 2nd to outright 1st leaving TeamE in outright 2nd 4pts off the pace while TeamF also moved up the ladder to be in 3rd by a mere 1pt. In the division2 mixed City3 have maintained their lead of 4pts this week with City5 increasing their 2nd placing to 8pts ahead of City2 in 3rd.
Tuesday Ladies: Bowling-5.30 D Bryson-1.19, Georges-6.36 D Briggs-Forfeit
Mixed Division2: City-5 4.34 D City-4 2.24, City-3 6.36 D City-1 0.18
Point Scores:
Men Division1:
Mixed Division2:
City3-Crebert/Palmer/Roughan-15.0, City5-G & D.Crebert/Twentyman-11.0, City2-Lowcock/B & R.Bower-3.0, City4-Burrows/Lyall/Merriman-3.0, City1-Sciffer/Oysten/Marsh-0.0
Women Division2:
Ooms-20.0, Irwin-19.0, Westbury-18.0, Demarchi-15.0, Bower-0.0, Lilley-0.0,
Tuesday Ladies:
George-21.5, Clift-21.0, Bowling-17.0, Briggs-15.0, Bryson-5.5
Wednesday Ladies:
D.Presland-98.0, H.Ooms-82.0, M.Terry-72.0, C. Underwood-55.0, R. Spalding-53.0, T.Mortimer-51.0, A. Roughan-47.0, S Bower-46.0, M. Bush-40.0, J. Clift-36.0, A.Barnes-35.0, S.Irwin-33.0, B. Graham-28.0, K. Allomes-20.0, H.Heydon-18.0, R. Westbury-16.0, A. Francis-14.0
Thursday Ladies:
At the time of printing the Tuesday night ladies competition will have… » Read more