Alan Gale was the foundation president of the Merimbula Tennis Club Inc. when it moved to the current site in 1976
Alan Gale Dedication 2:00PM
This Saturday 27th March All Club Members and their family are invited to be present at the club for a dedication to Alan Gale, when the clubrooms will be named in his honour. Speakers present will talk of Alan’s extensive and tireless support for our club over many years of his life
If anyone deserves the title “Mr Merimbula Tennis” it is Alan Gale
who has been associated with Merimbula Tennis Club since its
inception over 35 years ago.
Alan was active in all aspects of the Club from the start until 2000
from the first courts in the town to the 7 courts & clubhouse complex
the members enjoy today. In the early days this included fund
raising, organising teams, supervising Sunday social tennis which
was very popular until the late 90s and of course being the inaugural
President in 1976 and for 18 consecutive years (1980-1997).
Alan, I am sure, would still be holding a tennis racquet today if his
shoulder would allow him to serve satisfactorily!!
Alan should be rightly proud of his efforts and the Club development
over his long involvement.
He was very active during the period following the devastating storm
of Easter 1995 which necessitated many hours of involvement in
resurfacing 4 courts and rebuilding and extending the Clubhouse to
its present configuration.
The name GALE is very prominent on the Club noticeboard
appearing 33 times-Alan (l9 as president), wife Wendy (8 as ladies
champion), son Craig (3 as men’s champion) and daughter Sharon (3
as junior ladies champion)
Last, but not least, we should acknowledge the foresight he and the
late Jack Cunningham had in establishing the “Veterans” (now
‘Seniors’) Tournament here in Merimbula which has been running
successfully for nearly 30 years.
Alan is truly worthy of the Life Membership awarded to him by the
members and he is also an honoured Patron of the Club.
Merimbula Tennis Club has named its clubhouse in honour of long-serving member Alan Gale, at a special event on Saturday, March 27 during the club championships’ weekend.
Alan was a keen player and associated with the club from its beginnings in the 1970’s. He was the inaugural president in 1976 and then for 18 consecutive years from 1980-97. In his later years Alan was the appointed patron of the club and always attended the seniors tournament and the club championships. He died in October 2019.
Roland Ackroyd recalls how much Alan put into the club in fundraising, organising teams, supervising Sunday social tennis as well as helping to resurface courts and rebuild and extend the clubhouse following the devastating storm of 1995. Along with Jack Cunningham, Alan established the seniors tournament, which has run for nearly 40 years.
On Saturday, Gale family members, club members and member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain came together to unveil the name of the Alan Gale Clubhouse over the entrance to the club.
Club president Aaron Miller said club member Robin Munn suggested the naming and the committee thought is was a great idea.
It was a special and emotional moment for Alan’s wife Wendy as she unveiled the name, accompanied by her daughter Sharon Edwards, grandson Bill Gale and Kristy McBain.
Denise Dion – Merimbula Newsweekly.