Over the weekend there were 2 successful Hot Shots Challenges. The weekend kicked off with the Tony Tennis Hot Shots Challenge at Guildford Tennis Centre on Saturday 28th June. Tony Podesta who ran the event said, “it was a tremendous event with a mix of players from within the tennis school and players who attended from across the Sydney Metropolitan Region. Players had a great time with all players receiving a prize pack and enjoying the sausage sizzle. It was a tremendous experience for players from Tonys Tennis to have exposure to playing players who they do not play on a regular basis.”
The 8 and under red ball event was won by Micayla Bourne who has had a couple of great weeks also winning a Hot Shots Challenge the previous week who defeated Brendan Trinh in the final. The 10 and under orange ball event was won by Armin Kahric who defeated Jayden Brockwell from Campbelltown.
Unfortunately the 10 and 12 and under green ball events were postponed due to poor weather conditions but will run on Saturday 19th July. Please contact Tony if you have any questions 0418 414 780.
The term 3 Hot Shots calendar will be released next week http://www.tennis.com.au/nsw/tournaments/hot-shots
Hot on the heels of Wimbledon 2015, the Northern Beaches Hot Shots… » Read more