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28 May 2020 | Tennis Australia

Kids, families and Aussies of all ages are moving from the couch to the court as tennis facilities reopen across Australia.

“Tennis is already a sport that can be played with social distancing in mind,” Tennis Australia CEO Craig Tiley said.

“Following weeks of lockdown, we’re now seeing a lot of demand for tennis, with kids, families and friends hitting the court for fun and fitness in a safe environment.”

Extensive guidelines on safe play, with increased hygiene practices and social distancing have been developed to help players of all ages and levels – to get on court and enjoy the fun, fitness and wellbeing benefits tennis provides.

The guidelines have been designed to help each club and operator assess their local environment and ensure social distancing and increased hygiene measures are in place. This includes a 1.5 metre distance between players at all times, open court gates, and of course, racquet taps instead of handshakes.

“We’ve worked closely with our clubs and coaches across Australia on how to get everyone back on court in the safest possible way, and now the court is calling,” Tennis Australia’s Chief Tennis Officer Matt Dwyer said.

“Over the past couple of weeks, as restrictions have gradually eased, we’ve seen a surge of interest in tennis. As a non-contact sport, and built-in social distancing, players of all ages are enjoying getting outside, having a hit, and returning to coaching and social play.

“As well as being great physical exercise tennis is a tremendous sport for mental health and wellbeing. After weeks of being in lockdown, booking a court for a hit with family and/or friends – of course using our new guidelines – is an ideal way to get an exercise routine back on track.”

Tennis provides a range of health benefits for all age groups, with an extensive 25-year observational study finding that racquet sports were proven to increase life expectancy by almost ten years.*

You can find the latest information, guidelines and resources to ensure your safe return to tennis here