Episode 6: A-Champs & Techstars
Already popular amongst some of the biggest soccer clubs in Europe, A-Champs wants every family around the globe to be able to access their unique training solutions.
Already popular amongst some of the biggest soccer clubs in Europe, A-Champs wants every family around the globe to be able to access their unique training solutions.
Melbourne, 9 July 2020 | tennis.com.au
A self-confessed nerd, A-Champs CEO and Co-Founder Kilian Saekel was working in China developing sports products for global retailers when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. During the 12 months that followed, he came to realise the importance of self-care and wanted to do something to improve the health and wellbeing of families around the world.
In this episode, Tennis Australia Head of Innovation Dr Machar Reid chats to Kilian about how A-Champs is getting people of all ages and fitness levels to move with engaging training solutions that are based on a unique mix of IoT technology, gamification and sports science.
Machar also catches up with Managing Director Todd Deacon for an update on the 10 companies taking part in the Techstars SportsTech Melbourne Accelerator as it passes the halfway mark.
Go to a-champs.com to find out more information.