Sydney, Australia, 14 April 2021 | Leigh Rogers

Tennis Australia received several honours at the 2021 Australian Pride in Sport Awards.

The Glam Slam tournament, a VicTennis-run event held concurrently with the Australian Open, won the LGBTQ Inclusion Initiative Award.

Tennis Australia was recognised as a gold tier organisation on the Australian Pride in Sport Index for efforts in advancing LGBTQ inclusion too.

Craig Tiley, Tennis Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, was also a finalist for the Ally of the Year Award.

The award ceremony was held in Sydney last night, with Casey Dellacqua representing Tennis Australia.

The annual Australian Pride in Sport Awards acknowledge achievements within sporting organisations, LGBTQ recreational community groups, coaches, role models, media outlets, and allies for their contribution towards greater inclusion of people with diverse sexualities and genders, in Australian sport.