Policies & Complaints
Tennis NSW Commitment Statement
Tennis NSW has a zero tolerance approach to any form of child abuse and is committed to ensuring the sport of tennis is a safe and friendly environment for children and young people. It is imperative that children and young people who access our activities, programs, events or services feel safe and supported.
We will ensure that child safety is embedded in our organisation’s culture, reflected in our policies and procedures, and understood and practiced at all levels of our sport. We commit to making sure that everyone involved with delivering tennis in Australia, from club administrators, volunteers, parents and participants, understand the important responsibilities they have in relation to child safety.
Our commitment extends beyond creating an environment that minimises risk or danger. We are committed to building an environment that is both child-safe and child-friendly.Together we can provide an environment in which children feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.
Jayne Hrdlicka Tennis Australia President and Chair | Craig Tiley Tennis Australia CEO | Darren Simpson Tennis NSW CEO
Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct
The Tennis Australia Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct has been developed to assist all personnel meet their obligations, specifically relating to children, under the Tennis Australia Member Protection Policy.
Please click here to access the Code of Conduct.
To raise a complaint securely online, please follow this link and complete the information as required.
Email: [email protected]