Forster Tennis Club once again played host to the 2016 Tennis NSW Country Championships last week.
The Country Championships combine the Junior Tour event and Silver Australian Money Tournament (AMT), which brings together the best players from Country NSW. This year, around 400 participants took to the courts throughout the week.
While it was a disappointing finish to the championships with the final day washed out, there was plenty of top quality tennis and extra activities to ensure the week was a success.
The 16/U Teams Event was played on the back of the championships with the Metropolitan Slammers taking victory over North West. As well as an officiating workshop with NSW/ACT Officiating Development Coordinator Martin Oosthuysen, three coaching workshops were also held during the week with Tim Hill (NSW Coach Development Manager) and Callum Beale (National Academy Coach and Talent Development Manager), which saw more than 30 coaches in attendance.
Forster Tennis Club will host the NSW Country Championships for a further 3 years.
Thank you to the volunteers and staff at Forster Tennis Club, Tennis Country and Tennis NSW for another fantastic event. The full list of winners is below:
Boys 18/u singles winner: Rhys Searant Runner-up: Trent Marlin
Boys 18/u doubles winners: Scott Gardiner/Rhys Searant Chambers Runners-up: Jock Lummis/Jake Woodcoe
Girls 18/u singles winner: Grace Schumacher Runner-up: Ashley Allman
Girls 18/u doubles winners: Monique Hogg/Sascha Murphy Runners-up: Olivia Blanch/Sarah Herington
Open men’s singles winner: Sean Carson Runner-up: Martin Russell
Open women’s singles winner: Gabrielle O’Gorman Runner-up: Dael McKenna
Open men’s doubles winners: Sean Carson/Brenton Chambers Runners-up: Louis Clark/Trent Marlin
Open women’s doubles winners: Dael McKenna/Gabrielle O’Gorman Runners-up: Chloe Costelloe/Rhiannon Marlin
Open mixed doubles winners: Trent Marlin/Rhiannon Marlin Runners-up: Andrew Lemin /Katierae Fing
Boys 10/U singles final: Boyd Schreiber/Caspian Tuckwell
Boys 10/U doubles final: Jasper Cleland/Caspian Tuckwell & Benjamin Anderson/Dougall Tyrwhitt
10/U mixed doubles final: Boyd Schreiber/Bianca Mary Culshaw &Jasper Cleland/Ruby Marie Pade
Boys 11/U singles final: Charlie Pade/Maka Ofati
Boys 12/U singles final: Cooper Glen Wilkinson/Lachlan Rowing
Boys 12/U doubles final: Lachlan Rook/Oliver Ryan & Maka Ofati/Logan Staight
12/U mixed doubles final: Riley White/India Schreiber & Cooper Glen Wilkinson/Avril Gardiner
Boys 13/U singles final: Luke Miners/Ben Butler
Boys 14/U singles final: Cooper Griffiths/ Nicholas Barnier-Merzliakov
Boys 14/U doubles final: Nicholas Barnier-Merzliakov/Ben Butler & Ryan Mccann/Luke Miners
14/U mixed doubles final: N/A
Boys 15/U singles final: Anton Caspar Willett/Cooper Griffiths
Boys 16/U singles final: Trent Marlin/Tom Evans
Boys 16/U doubles final: Tom Evans/Trent Marlin & Andrew Osmond/Bradley Simpson
16/18/U mixed doubles final: Andrew Osmond/Laura Jeffrey & Josh Lovett/Breelyn Paige Bessant
Boys 17/U singles final: Andrew Osmond/Harrison Zammit
Girls 10/U singles final: Sophie Foster/Ruby Marie Pade
Girls 10/U doubles final: Tess Caldicott/Ruby Marie Pade & Majella Goulstone/Isabelle Moore
Girls 11/U singles final: Kiah James/Sophie Foster
Girls 12/U singles final: India Schreiber/Tayla Braiser
Girls 12/U doubles final: Abbey Colbourne/India Schreiber & Sarah Smith/Bianca Sorrentino
Girls 13/U singles final: India Schreiber/Tayla Braiser
Girls 14/U singles final: Laia Pasini/Monique Hogg
Girls 14/U doubles final: Lucy Colbourne/Sophie Phillips & Monique Hogg/Sascha Murphy
Girls 15/U singles final: Lily Pade/Eleanor Mcnaught
Girls 16/U singles winner: Courtney Cook Runner-up: Grace Schumacher
Girls 16/U doubles final: Courtney Cook/Isabelle Taylor & Hanan Chidiac/Rhiannon Mcblane
Girls 17/U singles winner: Laura Jeffrey Runner-up: Latiecha Wilkinson
2016 Best & Fairest Ken Ritchie Award Winners – Sascha Murphy & Brad Simpson