
16 November 2020 | Tennis NSW

As recognised across the country in recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for the sports industry globally. As we approach the summer of tennis it timely that we provide you with the latest updates in regards to the Australian Open (AO) lead-in events.

Due to the various restrictions across Australian states and territories it has proven impossible for players to be able to adequately prepare for the Australian Open and for us to run a normal summer program across the country. Therefore the decision has been made to host all lead-in events in 2021 in Victoria.  

ATP Cup Sydney General Manager, Lawrence Robertson says “We are obviously very disappointed that following the huge success of last year’s inaugural ATP Cup, we are unable to stage the event this year in Sydney.

I want to thank our Government partners Destination NSW and the Office of Sport for their support and understanding in regards to this difficult decision.

We now turn our focus towards delivering a world class event here in Sydney in 2022.”

We understand this is disappointing news, particularly for fans, however we hope like us you are energised by the fact the Australian Open will go ahead as planned.

We will keep you fully updated with all our plans for the ATP Cup Sydney in 2022 where we will welcome the world’s very best players back to Sydney in our very own Ken Rosewall Arena.

For more information or any enquiries please contact the Tennis NSW team at [email protected]