Tennis NSW will be hosting important information sessions for clubs, coaches and operators during Child Safety Week 2021. These sessions will provide important information on the 10 Child Safe Standards (Standards) that will soon be legislated in NSW and apply to sporting clubs.
Given the introduction of enforcement provisions for the Office of the Children’s Guardian for any non-compliance with the Standards, Tennis NSW wants our members to feel prepared for these new compliance measures.
The session will include a 20 minute overview to the Standards, with practical examples of how these can be applied at your tennis venue, if not already. There will be 40 minutes allocated for any questions and information sharing.
We encourage all committee members, coaches, operators and anyone who is involved with the operations at your tennis facility to join one of these sessions to ensure you are comfortable with the standards.
There are three sessions being held across Child Safety Week, you will only need to attend one.
Monday 6 September, 12-1pm
Wednesday 8 September, 6-7pm
Friday 10 September, 10-11am
Please click here to register your attendance for your preferred session.
Please feel welcomed to pass this email on to anyone at your tennis facility who you feel should be included in these sessions, we welcome all.
During Child Safety Week we will also be launching our Member Protection Information Officer Network. This will be a 30 minute session for the MPIOs across NSW tennis venues. This is a really exciting opportunity to connect our MPIOs, providing a community to allow them to seek advice, share information and be part of a MPIO tennis community. MPIOs are the most important role at any tennis venue and we are excited to launch this network and provide further support to these important individuals.
The MPIO Network launch will be 12-12:30pm on Friday 10 September.
If you are the MPIO at your tennis venue please click here to register your attendance. Alternatively, if you have an MPIO please pass this email on to ensure they have the opportunity to be involved.
Prior to these sessions you will receive an email from Tennis NSW with a link to join the online sessions.