Dear NSW Tournament Community
As has been previously communicated, Tennis NSW met with key stakeholders to review the current competitive playing opportunities in NSW as we endure an extended COVID-19 lockdown. On July 16, Tennis NSW took the stance to continue to host Australian Ranking Tournaments to ensure competitive play was still on offer for any players in LGA’s that were outside of Public Health Order restrictions. That decision has been reviewed, as the majority of NSW is currently under restrictions and any competitive play would be considered a breach under the Public Health Order.
Click here for the COVID-19 NSW Map of the current case locations.
Tennis NSW has again engaged with key stakeholders, all providing a consistent view that Australian Ranking Tournaments should be cancelled until November 1, 2021. Once the restrictions are eased, Tennis NSW will work with venues and clubs who are not affected by COVID-19 Public Health Orders to reinstate competitive playing opportunities that are appropriate to the requirements and restrictions in place at that time.
Given the current NSW Government Public Health Order, Tennis NSW are unable to host the upcoming Grass Court Nationals NSW Qualifying event. Tennis NSW will continue to review the NSW Government Public Health Order as it relates to community sport and assess if we have the opportunity to host the NSW December Showdown Qualifying event. Communications regarding the NSW December Showdown Qualifying will be communicated closer to the time of the event.