
22 September 2021 | Tennis NSW

Annual General Meeting – 23 November 2021

Further to communication sent on 10 September, please find a reminder on all the information for a call for nominations for Tennis NSW Elected Directors ahead of the AGM.

As with the 2020 AGM, Tennis NSW is planning to host our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a hybrid format this year, being held both at a physical location (one of the Function Rooms at the Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre) and online, unless the current Public Health Orders compel Tennis NSW to hold the AGM entirely online.

Tennis NSW has over 450 Members across New South Wales and all Members will be able to utilise technology to participate in our 2021 AGM, regardless of their geographic location. If you choose to attend online, you will have the same opportunities as those attending in person to view presentations, vote and ask questions live during the meeting. Subject to government restrictions and/or recommendations in effect on the day, Members can, of course, still choose to attend at the physical location rather than online, with electronic voting being undertaken for everyone online and in person.


The AGM will be held on Tuesday, 23 November 2020 at 7:00pm (AEST).  There are three Director positions up for election at this year’s AGM. Tennis NSW invites nominations for the Director positions on the Tennis NSW Board, being one Sydney-Nominated Director and two Miscellaneous Director positions. The process and principles to be applied in the election and appointment of directors to the Tennis NSW Board are outlined in the Tennis NSW Director Elections Policy. Below you can access a letter that explains the Director election process and timetable, including what is required of nominees and Members participating in the nomination process.

Please click the link below to access documents regarding the 2021 Tennis NSW AGM:

Members can view the Tennis NSW Constitution and By-laws on our webpage here.

Nominations are due by 9 October 2021.

If you have any questions regarding the 2021 Tennis NSW AGM please contact Tennis NSW at