
8 October 2021 | Tennis NSW


Dear NSW tennis community,

We hope you are all keeping safe and well. We’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some updated advice ahead of the reopening for fully vaccinated adults from Monday 11 October.

Tennis NSW has been working through information from NSW Health, the Office of Sport and a draft version of the new Public Health Order (PHO) around the upcoming changes to the restrictions that will be in place in New South Wales from next week. Please note that the draft PHO does not reflect the Premier’s announcements made yesterday, Thursday 7 October.

Important updates for our tennis community in Regional NSW

While the updated PHO has not been officially released at the time of this email, we feel that there are important updates for our tennis community who are currently in a ‘general area’ that may impact tennis activities being conducted in those LGAs.

We understand that from 12.01am Monday 11 October 2021, all tennis activities in a ‘general area’ will be subject to the following additional restrictions:

  • Every person aged 16 years or older must be fully vaccinated to participate in tennis activities in groups of 3 to 20 people; and
  • No more than 20 people may participate in an outdoor public gathering for sport or exercise.

Our previous guidance issued on 20 September 2021 provided that local competition of up to 50 attendees (regardless of vaccination status) may be permitted if the venue complies with the requirements for a COVID-safe outdoor public gathering no longer applies from next Monday.

We urge our members who may be conducting tennis activities of more than 20 people (who may or may not be vaccinated) to urgently review those activities and make the appropriate changes as soon as possible.

We understand that the levelling of restrictions across New South Wales will allow for consistency across all LGAs, and also indicate the mitigation of the risk involved with the opening up of travel from Greater Sydney for fully vaccinated adults on Monday.

We remind our members that some LGAs may still be classified as a ‘stay at home area’ and you must ensure that you regularly check the status of your LGA using the NSW Government’s search address tool.

While we are looking forward to the continual decrease in restrictions across the state as vaccination levels continue to rise, we do ask for patience in our community. We will provide further guidance to our membership on Monday 11 October.

Thank you for your understanding and support of the Government restrictions. If you have any COVID-19 related enquiries please contact us at with the subject line detailing COVID-19 Enquiry.

Thank you and stay safe,
Tennis NSW