The Tennis NSW Board to invite you to take part in the 2021 Tennis NSW Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held online at 7.00pm on Tuesday 23 November 2021.
As foreshadowed in the letter to Members dated 10 September 2021, the Tennis NSW AGM will be held fully online owing to the COVID‐19 restrictions through the Zoom platform. The Board, candidates for election and a limited number of TNSW Management will be present in the same room during the meeting, subject to the Public Health Order restrictions in place on the day. Every member will have the right to attend the meeting online. This approach is in line with the temporary modifications to the law that have continued for 2021 and to protect the health and safety of our tennis community.
This year, Tennis NSW is using a different online provider to deliver the AGM and we encourage our members to read this notice carefully. Details of how to participate in the AGM and vote online will be emailed to all members in the coming days.
The formal notice of meeting (AGM Notice) is available here. The key items of business for the AGM are as follows:
1. Minutes of the 2020 AGM;
2. 2020‐21 Financial Reports;
3. 2020‐21 Annual Report; and
4. Director Elections.
Any queries on the 2020‐21 Financial Reports should be emailed to secretary@tennisnsw.com.au. We ask that this is done in advance of the meeting and by no later than 16 November 2021, in order to allow the appropriate financial advice to be obtained, if necessary.
Members who have any queries in relation to the voting for Director elections, including assistance with completing the online proxy form should also send an email to secretary@tennisnsw.com.au or call
0419 181 686.