
17 December 2021 | Tennis NSW

The relaxing of restrictions in New South Wales came into effect this week and the current Public Health Order can be found here.

Tennis NSW understands that community sport, including local competition can return to ‘normal’ activities. However, it is noted that there is a requirement for masks to be worn by anyone not fully vaccinated aged over 12 years working in hospitality who is dealing directly with members of the public. Any of our members operating a food and drink premises at their venue should review the requirements in the current PHO as to whether they are required to have their workers wear masks while working.

Now that the restrictions on our sport have been lifted and are open to vaccinated and unvaccinated patrons, there is no need to continue to follow the guidance in our Return to Tennis Guide. However, we will maintain the availability of those resources for our members who may wish to continue to implement some additional measures for their venue.

We take this opportunity to remind you of the important decision made by the Tennis NSW Board that all players who enter and compete in all Tennis NSW endorsed and approved events and leagues (whether junior or open) will be required to adhere to the following guidelines until further notice:
• Players aged 16 and over are fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption;
• Players under 16 are not required to be vaccinated, however must be accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent/guardian who resides at the same place of residence. If the parent/guardian cannot attend, the player can attend with a vaccinated guardian/coach, provided the player resides with a vaccinated parent/guardian.
This decision has been made with the best interests of our officials, clubs, and volunteers who work tirelessly to support and deliver tennis throughout New South Wales and ensures we are providing a safe environment for all tennis events.

Tennis NSW is committed to maintaining the health and safety of our sport for our players, volunteers, members and staff and we continue to encourage our membership to get vaccinated, and receive a booster when eligible to do so.