Dear Valued Member
We are writing to you on behalf of the Tennis NSW Board to invite you to take part in the 2023 Tennis NSW Annual General Meeting (AGM) and 2023 Tennis NSW Director Elections.
The 2023 AGM will be held as a hybrid meeting (that is both in person and online) on Wednesday, 22 November 2023 at 7pm (AEDT). For those wishing to physically attend in person, the AGM will be held at the Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre, 2 Rod Laver Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW, 2127. Members will also have the option to view and participate in the meeting online if they would prefer.
In 2023, the Tennis NSW Board will continue to utilise an online voting system, inclusive of proxies, for both the 2023 AGM and 2023 Director Elections. The key contact of all Members provided at affiliation will shortly receive a direct email from Vero, the online voting platform employed for this year’s AGM, with full instructions on how to access the online platform. All Members will be required to access the Vero platform (through the link provided in the email received directly from Vero) prior to the AGM and indicate whether they will be attending the AGM or will be appointing a proxy.
The formal notice of meeting (AGM Notice) is available on the Tennis NSW website here. It will also be made available through the email link received directly from Vero. The key items of business for the AGM are as follows:
1. Minutes of the 2022 AGM;
2. 2022-23 Financial Report;
3. 2022-23 Annual Report;
4. Announcement of 2023 Tennis NSW Director Election results; and
5. Nomination of Steve Healy for Honorary Life Membership of the Company.
Please click here to view the full Tennis NSW 2023 AGM Notice & Meeting Pack.
Any queries on the 2022-23 Financial Report should be emailed to secretary@tennisnsw.com.au. We ask that this is done in advance of the meeting and by no later than 5:00pm 15 November 2023, in order to allow the appropriate financial advice to be obtained, if necessary.
For 2023 and beyond, Tennis NSW is moving to a fully online voting system to conduct all Director elections. Accordingly, all members wishing to vote in the 2023 Director elections will be required to do so online prior to the AGM. Members will shortly receive an email directly from Vero, the online voting platform employed for this year’s AGM, with full instructions on how to access the voting portal. For the purpose of the director elections, the voting platform will open on 3 November 2023, and will close midnight 20 November 2023. Results of the elections will then be announced at the AGM. Full details about the candidates, and further instructions on how to vote, are contained both in the AGM Notice & Meeting Pack, and also in the online voting portal.
Members who have any queries in relation to the voting process, including assistance with completing the online proxy form should send an email to support@verovoting.com.au.
Due to Director Elections being held prior to the AGM, the allocating of proxies is separated between the elections and the AGM. Please consult the official Notice of AGM on how to nominate a proxy in respect of each item.
If you will be unable to attend the AGM, and you do not wish to nominate a proxy, please email secretary@tennisnsw.com.au if you wish to be formally recorded as an apology.
Yours sincerely
Darren Simpson
Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary