
20 February 2025 | Tennis NSW

With more than 8,500 participants last year, the Todd Woodbridge Cup continues to break new participation records. This year, we are excited to launch “Todd’s Tipping Point Challenge,” our aim is to reach a new milestone of 10,000 students participating in the TWC throughout the state!

Kicking off next term, the Todd Woodbridge Cup is a primary school team tennis competition for Stage 2 (years 3 & 4) and Stage 3 (years 5 & 6) students that uses modified equipment, numeric scoring, and mixed gender teams. Events are designed to be fun and inclusive, meaning it is not just for experienced tennis players. Anyone who wants to give tennis a go is encouraged to come and have a go.

“Thank you for inspiring our children; we have more students choosing tennis than ever before, all thanks to the Todd Woodbridge Cup!” Said Mellissa Weeks, The Illawarra Grammar School.

We are inviting all primary schools across the state to enter a team (or multiple teams) into their local zone events. The Todd Woodbridge Cup 2025 calendar is now live, so you can see where and when your local zone event will be held.

More information including the competition guidelines and calendar of events is available on our website here. If you require assistance or have any questions, please contact Patrick Landy via