
21 March 2025 | Tennis NSW

Tennis NSW is calling for expressions of interest to fill Regional Committee positions which are now vacant.

​To view the available positions and their descriptions, please refer to the information and links provided below:​

​It is expected that persons expressing interest in filling the above positions will be active participants in the tennis region relevant to the Regional Committee (RC) which they are interested in joining.​

The RCs are sub-committees of the Tennis Country Management Committee (Tennis Country) and are established to work alongside Tennis NSW management to consider and deliver competitive playing opportunities for the entire tennis community, but with a focus on their specific region. The RCs (through Tennis Country) act as an advisory body to the Tennis NSW Board and work closely with Tennis NSW management to provide strategic advice on, and deliver, a range of objectives including but not limited to a strong competition framework and culture across regional NSW. The RC’s work to develop and oversee action plans to complement the development of regional based players, as well as overseeing representative team selection. Participation on an RC is voluntary and will not be remunerated.

​​If you would like to contribute to the direction of tennis in your region please complete an expression of interest form by clicking the button below.

Expressions of interest are now open and will close on Sunday 6 April 2025, at 11:59pm.