
Information for Clubs & Coaches

Tennis NSW is committed to embracing diversity by ensuring our sport and events are welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. We believe that being inclusive is reflecting the diversity of our local communities and that everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful for them regardless of their sex, sexuality, gender identity or any other defining characteristic.

Inclusion is about providing choice for people to participate in sport in a way that they feel comfortable. As well as mainstream tennis opportunities, there are a variety of LGBTQ+ specific initiatives that people can choose to participate in.



Tennis NSW is a member of Pride in Sport and is committed to participating in the annual Pride in Sport Index.

Pride in Sport is an ACON Pride Inclusion Program, specifically designed to assist sporting organisation of all levels with the inclusion of employees, athletes, coaches, volunteers and spectators with diverse sexualities and genders.

The Pride in Sport Index (PSI) is the first and only benchmarking instrument specifically designed to assess the inclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) people within Australian sport and sporting organisations. Participating in the index allows Australian sporting organisations to not only assess their own work, but determine what constitutes good practice, along with the ability to benchmark initiatives against an external measure, and other sporting organisations.

To find out more on the Pride in Sport Index, click here.

Pride in Sport Index for Community Sports Clubs

The Community Sports Clubs Pride in Sport Index is a smaller version of the Pride in Sport Index designed specifically for grass roots community sporting clubs/associations, run predominantly by volunteers.

Key points to remember:

  •  There is no cost
  •  You do not need to be a Pride in Sport member to participate in the Index
  •  Results are confidential
  •  You can participate anonymously
  •  Year-on-year benchmarking

To find out more and download the PSI Community Sports Club submission document click here.


Tennis has developed our Transgender Inclusion Guidelines for Community Tennis. The purpose of the guidelines is to create awareness and inform clubs, coaches, participants and volunteers on how they can be supportive of people who identify as transgender. This resource also includes tips on how to foster positive experiences for all.

To view the Transgender Inclusion Guidelines for Community Tennis click here.


Pride in Sport and Allianz have partnered to create a free coach education course, Coach For All.

Coach For All empowers sports coaches of every level to be more inclusive in a new and modern way. Join coaching legends, Louise Sauvage OAM and Trent Robinson, to learn how coaches of every level can take real action and create a supportive environment for all athletes.

What you will learn:

  • The locker room (3-5mins): Learn about the real effects of locker room talk we hear every day.
  • The sidelines (3-5mins): Learn how to leave the sidelines and confront harmful behaviour
  • The outside world (3-5mins): Learn a few unexpected ways to be an ally off the court, track or pitch.
  • The goal line (3-5mins): Learn how this training can help the entire team.
  • Further Learning and Resources

Register for the free Coach For All online course, click here.


All individuals should be able to work and play in a uniform in which they feel comfortable. It is advisable not to base dress codes on gender stereotypes (e.g. an attitude that women should only wear a skirt during play), as a flexible and gender-inclusive code recognises that all people have the right to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity and/or gender expression.

If gendered uniforms are necessary, then consideration should be given to: allow individuals to choose which uniform they would prefer to wear; ensure that appropriate sizes are available; and design options suitable for all body types and shapes are available, including for participants, volunteers and staff.


Click here for a full list of LGBTQ+ days of significance as well as useful resources to download including information on each of the days for your business and your staff to learn more about the days or to be able to discuss them with your customers and patrons, posters you can print and display, and social media assets you can post to your Facebook or Instagram accounts to increase awareness about upcoming days.


Tennis Sydney is an LGBTQ+ tennis club in Sydney, that aims to promote and facilitate LGBTQ+ tennis through social tennis, competitions and tournaments. New players and visitors are always welcome. To find out more click here.


  • If you require additional support or guidance from Tennis NSW regarding welfare/member protection matter, please contact Tennis NSW Member Protection Information Officer Tiarnna Spice (she/her) via email at
  • If you would like more information on how to participate in LGBTQ+ initiatives please email
  • If you require additional support and/or guidance from Tennis Australia regarding welfare/member protection matters, please contact our TA Integrity & Compliance Unit (TAICU) on


To view our policies, including our Transgender Inclusion Guidelines for Community Tennis and our Member Protection Policy please click here.

Tennis NSW promotes zero tolerance on attitudes regarding homophobiabiphobia, and transphobia within our sport.


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