

Tennis is committed to embracing diversity by making our sport welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. Everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful for them.

Our vision is that there are no limits for women and girls on and off the court.

While Tennis is leading the way with significant achievements over the past 50 years, such as being the leading professional sport for women, equal prizemoney and strong representation on the Tennis Australia and Member Association Boards, there is more work to be done.  Women are underrepresented in community leadership with just 26% of club presidents being women. It is important women take on leadership roles to ensure women and girls have an equal voice and can influence decision making at the community level on and off the court. Tennis is committed to increasing and supporting women leaders in tennis. To achieve this, we are providing an opportunity for women in the community to complete the Women Leaders in Tennis (WLIT) program. Program graduates will gain a vast range of learning and experiences within the leadership domain as well as mentoring and support.

Who should apply?

  • Current and prospective women community leaders in paid or volunteer roles in tennis clubs/centres/associations
  • Club volunteers and committee members
  • Senior club leaders (i.e., club president, coach)

Program Objectives

  • Ensure an equal voice for women in tennis
  • Build leadership knowledge, skills and confidence of current and prospective community leaders
  • Create a network of women community leaders both locally and nationally
  • Increase participation of women and girls in community leadership roles in clubs/venues
  • Recruit and retain women community leaders

Program delivery dates

The program will be delivered over 4 months, with a combination of face-to-face workshops, online interactive sessions and self-paced learning activities.

Date and Time Time Content Where
Sunday, March 2 9.00am-4.30pm Face-to-face workshop Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre, Rod Laver Dr, Sydney
Tuesday, March 18 7.00pm-8.30pm Online interactive power session Online (Bounce virtual classroom)
Tuesday, April 8 7.00pm-8.00pm Online interactive power session Online (Bounce virtual classroom)
Tuesday, 6 May 7.00pm-8.00pm Online interactive power session Online (Bounce virtual classroom)
Sunday, 25 May 9.00am-4.30pm Face-to-face workshop Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre, Rod Laver Dr, Sydney

Please note: online interactive sessions will be recorded and may be viewed later if you are unable to attend.

Program fee

  • Program is fully subsided. Participants will not incur any cost. (Program is valued at $4,000. No payment will be required for successful candidates).


Applications will close on Sunday 2 February 2025 at 11.30pm.

 Eligibility Criteria

  • Be aged 18 years or over.
  • Identify as a woman.
  • Be an Australian citizen or have been granted permanent residence status.
  • Provide a Working With Children Check and sign a Member Protection Declaration.
  • Currently involved in a paid or volunteer capacity for a local affiliated Tennis Club/Association/Venue.
  • Have nomination from relevant personnel (e.g., Club President, Committee member or manager/supervisor)

For more information please contact

Casey Dellacqua – Women & Girls Lead