
7 January 2011 | Tennis NT

Tennis Australia receives a small allocation of tickets for the French Open and Wimbledon each year. To ensure there is a fair and equitable distribution of these tickets, a ballot is conducted by Tennis Australia to allocate these tickets. As applications for tickets far exceeds supply there is no guarantee that applicants will receive tickets however every endeavour will be made to make an allotment to as many people as possible.

The dates for French Open 2011 are Sunday 22 May – Sunday 5 June

The dates for Wimbledon 2011 are Monday 20 June – Sunday 3 July

Conditions of Application

The following conditions apply when making applications for tickets:

  1. You must be a member of your relevant State/Territory Association, an Australian Open member, Tennis Australia Coach Member or a Tennis Official member
  2. All applicants membership details will be checked with the relevant association
  3. Payment will only be accepted by credit card and successful applicants will be subject to the relevant exchange rate at time of tickets being processed
  4. A processing and postage cost will apply per order
  5. Tickets cannot be on-sold or exchanged for any reason and are for the sue of the persons nominated on the application

How to Apply

Applications to the French Open ballot will be accepted from Monday 21 February and must be received by Friday 11 March 2011.

Applications to Wimbledon will be accepted from Monday 21 February and must be received by Friday 18 March 2011.

Please note that ballot forms will be available online from the dates detailed above.

For further information please visit the Ticket ballots section on the Tennis Australia website.