
14 February 2012 | Tennis NT

Tennis Palmerston opened its doors to new and existing players at its inaugural Open Day on Saturday 4 February 2012.

The Australian Open blue courts, were jam-packed with over 150 people of all ages participating in the free activities on offer, including:
> MLC Tennis Hot Shots
> Social Hitting
> Cardio Tennis and
> Games and giveaways

“Tennis Australia is developing a range a programs to get new players into the game and former players back onto the court….We offer all these programs at Tennis Palmerston” expressed Matt Dudley, Business Manager & Director of Tennis at Tennis Palmerston.

The Tennis Palmerston Open Day forms part of the Power and Water Regional Development Program.

For further information about the centre and the programs on offer, contact Matt Dudley on 0432 240 315.