
28 March 2012 | Tennis NT

You are invited to a trial to become a Ballkid volunteer at the 2013 Australian Open !

You must be aged between 12 and 15 in January 2013. This means if you are turning 12 years old in January 2013 or you are 15 years old at some stage during January 2013, you are eligible to apply.

Essential Qualities
> Ability to work as part of a team
> High standard of personal presentation
> Committed and Dedicated to the trials, training and tournament
> A willingness to work hard and improve your skills

Knowledge and Skills
> Speed and agility across the court
> Hand-eye coordination
> Ability to collect tennis balls while running
> Ability to accurately roll the tennis balls with speed along the ground
> Understanding and knowledge of tennis and tennis scoring

Compulsory Requirements
All Ballkids must meet the following requirements:
> Be available for both trial days in Darwin at anytime on Saturday 12 May and Sunday 13 May 2012
> 100% commitment to the training sessions conducted between September and December 2012 in Darwin (5 half day sessions. Dates to be confirmed)
> Undertake the 2013 Australian Open Ballkid Online Induction Program
> Be available for the tournament period of Monday 8 January to Sunday 27 January 2013 inclusive.

Parent/Guardian Requirements
> Parents/Guardians must read all relevant information and understand the commitment required to be a Ballkid at the Australia Open
> Parents/Guardians will be required to attend some compulsory information sessions throughout the training period
> Parents/Guardians will need to make arrangements for their child to be in Melbourne for the Australian Open dates as listed. Please note that those who are offered a place and accept a position for the Ballkids volunteer squad will be required to fund their travel, accommodation and subsequent cost in Melbourne – no funding is provided by Tennis Australia.

Apply Here
> All applicants need to apply online no later than 11.45pm Monday 30 April 2012. Late applications will not be accepted.
> Click here to apply and select 2013 AOS Ballkids

For further information or assistance contact Mark Pead on 8981 5609 or