Tennis Palmerston up and coming junior, Jemma Gossow was the highest points earner nationally, based on the player leader board on the AO Blitz website as at 31 December 2013.
9-year-old Gossow collected an impressive 1,291,005 points in a variety of Challenges to finish atop of the leader board, some 49,000 points ahead of second place. For her efforts she has won two tickets each to the Australia Open 2014 Men’s and Women’s final, with accommodation and flights presented by Steggles.
Gossow’s biggest achievement was raising over $2,200 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation and Prostate Foundation Australia for getting her family and friends to sponsor the waxing of her father’s hairy legs. Overall Gossow raised an incredible $6,290, the second highest individual fundraiser in the country and the youngest fundraiser overall.
Tennis Palmerston coaches Sam Giess and Daniel Parker (pictured) also got behind Jemma’s fundraising, with both coaches committing to shaving their heads at $2,000 and also their legs at $3,000. Needless to say both coaches will be applying the sunscreen a little bit more this term.
“I have loved every bit of the AO Blitz, the challenges were awesome and some were hard”
Jemma’s local club, Tennis Palmerston also finished atop of the standings in the NT Club with the most points; they finished 6th National and just edged out the Alice Springs Tennis Association who finished in 7th position.
Top NT finishers nationally in the AO Blitz:
Top Players
1. Jemma Gossow – Tennis Palmerston
19. Jemima Torres – Gardens Tennis
26. Nicolas Tremblay – AWOF Sports
Top Tennis Towns
7. Alice Springs
24. Palmerston
37. Coconut Grove
Top Clubs
6. Tennis Palmerston
7. Alice Springs Tennis Association
160. Tennis Alice Springs
Top Schools
22. OLSH Traeger Campus, Alice Springs
27. Ross Park Primary School, Alice Springs
37. OLSH Sadadeen, Alice Springs