Tennis Palmerston Team Twilight
08 – 09 November 2014
Entries Close: Monday 03 November 2014
Events: Orange/Green/Yellow Ball
Relevant Information:
> Each team will consist of two players
> Each team will play two singles and one doubles per round
> The draw will be a Round Robin, with teams playing multiple matches
Further information about this tournament contact Sam Giess on 8932 8911 or
AWOF Sports MJDS Singles
23 November 2014
Entries Close: Monday 17 November 2014
Events: Orange/Green/Yellow Ball
Relevant Information:
> Matches will be played between 8 – 11am as well as 3-6pm to ensure players are playing during the “cooler” parts of the day!
Further information about this tournament contact Nathan Ingram on 8985 2844 or